Cheese Bites
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Eggs in Ice Cream: Yea or Nay?

A side-by-side comparison of Philadelphia-style ice cream with its French custard counterpart.

Look—It’s a Milk! It’s a Yogurt! It’s… Kefir!

A primer on one of our favorite beverages

10 Most Inspired Cheeseburgers from Bob’s Burgers

Celebrating the revolutionary burger cookbook with cheesy recipes!

An Ice Cream That’s Literally The Pits

Feeling a bit “drupe-y” about wasting those peach pits? Cheer up and make ice cream with them instead!

5 Disgusting Vintage Cheese Recipes

Some things are better left forgotten.

You are What the US Military Eats

And that includes Cheetos, Goldfish, and—one day—maybe even shelf-stable pizza.

De-Horning Dairy

Why more herds are seeking genetically hornless dairy cows.