cheese talk
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Josey Pukrop, a junior majoring in Animal Science, stirs cheese into curds in the Dairy Pilot Plant October 8, 2013.

University Cheese

Want some university cheese? College students across the United States are producing top-notch wheels via innovative cheesemaking programs

Eric Meredith of Wegmans checks cheeses that are aging in the store's new affinage facility

Affinage At Wegmans Grocery Store

With the opening of its new central aging facility, Wegmans Food Markets shows it’s serious about affinage and cheese

Brian Civitello stands outsides of one of his cheesemaking pods for Mystic Cheese

Two Cheeses in a Pod

Mystic Cheese, a Connecticut company, has pioneered a new approach to farmstead cheesemaking: the cheese pod

Cow splotched milk delivery truck for Calder Brother's Farm Dairy

The Milkman (and Woman) Cometh Back

Fueled by nostalgia and an interest in sustainability, milk delivery regains popularity and milkmen are on the rise

The historic Plymouth Cheese factory in black and white

Calvin Coolidge and Plymouth Cheese

Nineteenth-century cheesemaking traditions thrive at the 30th president’s Vermont Homestead, the home of the historic Plymouth Cheese factory

Pineland Farms Helping Hands

The philanthropic Pineland Farms creamery in Maine does more than just craft cheese