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Ruminations: To Have and to Mold

Forget carats—this bride-to-be had her heart set on cheese

Ruminations: Dairy Wary

After a cheeseless childhood, a woman finds Brie.

Ruminations: Counter Culture

The rotating cast of characters who make a monger’s day

Ruminations: Workin’ the World

An importer reflects on the job of finding great cheese.

Ruminations: Pilgrim’s Prejudice

How a trip back in time changed one woman’s palate

Aleks Sennwald Taken By Storm Illustration

Ruminations: Summer Snow Storm

Freak July weather collides with a cheese named Summer Snow

Illustration of a cheesemaker standing over a steaming vat in a cave with aging cheeses

Ruminations: The Shepherd Makes Cheese

While these two people may not speak the same language, as this Greek shepherd and New England cheesemaker discover: The language of cheese is universal

Illustration of a wedding cake made of cheese with bride and groom toppers

Ruminations: Daddy’s Gruyère

When our associate editor’s dad plays cheesemaker for her wedding… does everything end happily ever after?

Illustration of a cow casting a Swiss-cheese-holed shadow

Ruminations: Meat-Free, Cheese-Centric

A vegetarian diet introduces questions when it comes to dairy. Is cheese vegetarian? It depends on the rennet – and the vegetarian – in question