farm animal
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Breeding Better Cheese

Enterprising dairies blend the latest tech and age-old practices to raise healthier animals, strengthen farms, and produce top-quality milk

Farm Animal: Norwegian Dairy Goat

Known for its delicious milk, meat, and (of course) cheese, the Norwegian goat has been a favorite of European farmers for centuries.

Farm Animal: American Miniature Cheviot Sheep

Imagine you’re counting sheep. Are they round, fluffy cotton balls? Imagine no more, friends, because we’ve found the sheep of your dreams.

Farm Animal: Moose

These awkward behemoths have a reputation as gentle providers of milk, meat, and sheer delight.

Farm Animal: Icelandic Sheep

Widely considered the oldest, purest sheep breed in the world, Icelandic sheep are prized

Farm Animal: Alpine Dairy Goat

With their spunky personalities and long lactation period, it’s no wonder these goats are beloved on both sides of the Atlantic.

Farm Animal: Pecora Sarda

With its high milk volume and adaptability, it’s no wonder why shepherds prefer the Pecora Sarda.

illustration of a red and white montbéliarde cow

Farm Animal: Montbéliarde Cow

This red-and-white French dairy cow makes milk for more French PDO cheeses than any other breed.

baby goats laurel miller avalanche cheese company edible aspen

10 Pictures of Baby Goats to Get You Ready for Spring

The sun is shining, the snow is melting, and the bees are buzzing. That’s right, spring is finally upon us! Here at culture there is so much we look forward to about this time of year: chilled rosé, warmer weather, and, of course, fresh goat cheese! And while we like to kid around all year […]