5 Delicious Dips for Your Fourth of July Party
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InDIPendence Day Delights

The Fourth of July is right around the corner and you know what that means: cookouts, backyard barbeques, and poolside snacking. Consider one of culture’s recipes for tempting, dairy-filled dips that are easy to prepare.

Hefeweizen Beer Cheese Dip

Beer lovers, rejoice. This Hefeweizen-based dip can be served both hot or cold, making it the perfect option for a backyard party. Bring along some pretzel bites or roasted potatoes for optimal carb-filled dipping. This recipe can feed a crowd, so don’t worry when guests go back for seconds (and thirds).

Provolone Dip

If you’re running short on time, throw together this decadent provolone dip in just 10 minutes (yes, you read that right) with five ingredients you probably already have in your pantry. This dip pairs best with crispy bread, so be sure to bring a loaf to toss on the grill. 

Isigny Ste-Mère’s Garlic, Mushroom, and Roasted Artichoke Dip

Who doesn’t love artichoke dip? Impress your friends with this indulgent appetizer that puts a twist on a classic by using Isigny Ste-Mère Petit Bonhomme Brie and mushrooms, in addition to the standard artichoke-and-dairy combo. Bonus: this dip is vegetarian-friendly.  

Yogurt Dipping Sauce

Another extremely simple recipe for a last-minute fix, this yogurt dip takes a breakfast staple in a savory direction. Add the short list of spices—or a few of your favorites—then stir, garnish, and enjoy. It’s refreshing, easy, and perfect for summer.  

Caramelized Onion Dip with Crème Fraîche

If you’re looking to get a head start on your Independence Day plans, look no further than this caramelized onion dip. Its flavor gets better with age, so it’s best to let it sit in your fridge for a day or two before the party. Once the holiday arrives, grab some pairings—a crunchy crudité or potato chip would be best—and be on your way. 

Monica Petrucci

Monica is Culture's former Social Media Editor. Coming from a formaggio-obsessed Italian family, she was very excited to combine her passions for cheese and writing at Culture. She loves experimenting in the kitchen and pairing wine and cheese in her spare time.

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